Welcome to the HCSRC Pollinator Garden!
In 2015, the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) named San Antonio the first Monarch Butterfly Champion City. Strategically located between roosting grounds, milkweed beds and nectar prairies, San Antonio serves a critical role in the Monarchs’ spring and fall migration path through the “Texas Funnel.” Be looking for Monarchs on the move through Hunters Creek in March 2021 as they seek out milkweed plants, the only plant on which they will lay their eggs and reproduce. Extreme weather events, related to climate change, have negatively impacted monarch populations. The Hunters Creek Pollinator Garden will offer fuel for the ride.
Go to: texasbutterflyranch.com for more information or monarchjointventure.org to become a Monarch Citizen Scientist.
Thanks to these Hunters Creek neighbors for their support… Patsy & Alan Kuentz, Mike & Kathy Fishbach, Karen Von Der Bruegge, Robert Trottmann, David Plotkin, Laura Horansky
If you're interested in helping with the Pollinator Garden, email HCSRCmembership@gmail.com